Friday, August 16, 2013

Leslie P

These are thumbnail sketches submitted by Leslie.


Leslie I like your idea of using had as a main element. But top of your hand tends to be little more difficult than other gesture of a hand due to a limited formation.

I want to suggest something like this, it does not necessary need to be "reaching out" motion, but something that has more gesture in it.

We need to finish this project by next Friday, so please use the same technique you used for your previous project and limit using any element in the background.

Got it?

If you have further question, please write as a comment.

Thank you!



This blog is dedicated for every student to find a valuable resource and to post your work for an instant feedback from your instructor and Kazone Staff.

We advise you to upload your current working piece after Illustration1 (Fri 4-7pm) and Illustration2 (4-7pm).

If you need any feedback on your work or have a question, you can simply create a new post and send reminder email to Valeria and Lim.

Let's keep up the good work on posting your work so can assist you better.

Posting Guide:
Your first name initial of last name 
Write a simple content what you need help on.

Lim H
I need feedback on my current working piece.

Thank you!